BRSTM Converter

current version: 3.21 (June 16, 2012)
Download (source code included in JAR)

Changes in 3.2 / 3.2.1:

Download version 3.1 here if you're having problems

BRSTM Converter is a program written in Java (but using other programs, like SoX and BrawlLib, to do the actual conversion) that you can use to do batch conversions to BRSTM and/or batch modifications of certain audio attributes:

Supported input formats include:

For more information, click the Help button on the program's initial options dialog.

The program supports command-line arguments (run java -jar "BRSTM Converter.jar" --help for more information.)

Known bugs:

Output .brstms are put in the "output" folder.

You'll need the Java Runtime Environment:

Note: on the "file open" dialog, you can hold down Ctrl to select multiple files at once before clicking OK.

How to use loop.txt: specify a loop start, a loop end, and a filename on each line, like so:

853168 5087322 41 Carefree Action.wav

The program should automatically adjust both the start and end points for you if the start point is not divisible by 14336.

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